Release Notes v26
Release on 15.11.2024
New Features:
Improved performance with points system changes: Changes to the points system will now be synchronized nightly to optimize speed during typical opening hours.
Language support for German: The platform is now available in German.
Member language: The language on the member portal (for the member) will automatically be set based on the country code of the phone number during registration. If the language is not supported, the portal will default to English.
Flexibility in registration: For POS systems that require member ID during registration, it is now possible to hide this field in the sign-up form even if it is active.
Multiple member identifiers: It is now possible to have multiple member identifiers active at the same time.
Consent overview: In the member list, you can now see consent for data analysis as a separate column next to SMS and email consent. This provides a clearer overview of members' consent status.
Clear transaction history: Points that are reversed due to products that do not qualify for points (e.g., tobacco, alcohol) will now be clearly displayed in members' transaction history.
Coupon restrictions and search function: Coupons can now be restricted to specific product IDs or category IDs. The user interface has been improved with a search function that allows users to easily search for products and categories by name. The search now also includes all connected e-commerce platforms, not just WooCommerce.
Bug Fixes:
Order processing: When changing departments in an order, the update will now occur as expected.
Campaign feature: When using "Create Campaign," the campaign will now correctly link to the specified product ID.
Swipe to use coupons: The functionality for swiping to use coupons now works as intended.
Coupons for checkout: Coupons created solely for use at checkout will no longer be sent to Shopify.
This update includes important improvements and bug fixes that ensure a better experience for both the store, employees, and your customers. 🎉