Swagger overview

  1. GET /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/coupons

    • Summary: Retrieves store coupons. By default, it only retrieves active coupons.

    • Operation ID: getStoreCoupons

    • Tags: Coupons

  2. GET /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members/{memberId}/coupons

    • Summary: Retrieves available coupons for a specific member.

    • Description: All other coupons that are not applicable to the follower will not be returned.

    • Operation ID: getMemberCoupons

    • Tags: Coupons

  3. GET /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members/{memberId}/coupons/{couponCode}/validate

    • Summary: Validates a coupon code for a specific member.

    • Operation ID: validateCoupon

    • Tags: Coupons

  4. POST /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members/{memberId}/coupons/{couponCode}/reserve

    • Summary: Enables users to reserve a coupon for their pending orders.

    • Description: Call the /cancel-reservation endpoint after completing or canceling a transaction to release the coupon reservation and make it available for other transactions.

    • Operation ID: reserveCoupon

    • Tags: Coupons

  5. POST /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members/{memberId}/coupons/{couponCode}/cancel-reservation

    • Summary: Should be called when a transaction is completed or canceled to release the coupon reservation.

    • Operation ID: cancelCouponReservation

    • Tags: Coupons

  6. GET /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members/{memberId}/invited-friends

    • Summary: Returns a list of all invited friends.

    • Operation ID: getInvitedFriends

    • Tags: Invitations

  7. GET /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members/{memberId}/invited-friend

    • Summary: Returns an invited friend by invitation token.

    • Operation ID: getReferrals

    • Tags: Invitations

  8. POST /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members/enroll

    • Summary: Enrolls a member into the Loyalty Program.

    • Description: This will create a new member in the system and send an activation link via SMS to the member. If the member already exists, and GDPR is not accepted yet, then a new activation link will be sent. If the store does not have SMS enabled, the activation link will be sent by email.

    • Operation ID: enrollMember

    • Tags: Members

  9. POST /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members

    • Summary: Adds a new member to the store.

    • Description: This will create a new member and automatically add them to the Loyalty Program, followed by a welcome SMS. If the store is not configured to send SMS, a welcome email is sent instead.

    • Operation ID: registerMember

    • Tags: Members

  10. PUT /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members/{memberId}

    • Summary: Updates the member's data that is on the payload.

    • Description: Each request payload must include all data, even if it does not differ from what was previously inserted.

    • Operation ID: updateMember

    • Tags: Members

  11. GET /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members/{memberId}

    • Summary: Get member by ID.

    • Operation ID: getMemberById

    • Tags: Members

  12. DELETE /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members/{memberId}

    • Summary: Deletes a member.

    • Description: While the member may not be immediately removed from the system, they will be marked for deletion and permanently removed after a period of 10 days.

    • Operation ID: deleteMember

    • Tags: Members

  13. GET /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members/search

    • Summary: Searches members by email, phone number, activation token, or any other identifier.

    • Operation ID: getMemberByFilter

    • Tags: Members

  14. GET /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members/{memberId}/dependents

    • Summary: Retrieves a member's dependents.

    • Operation ID: getDependents

    • Tags: Members

  15. POST /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members/{memberId}/dependents

    • Summary: Atomically add, update, or delete dependent objects.

    • Description: The dependent collection should represent all members' dependents. To add a new dependent, set the ID field to 0. To update a dependent, send the entire dependent object. To delete a dependent, remove it from the list.

    • Operation ID: updateDependents

    • Tags: Members

  16. GET /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members/{memberId}/widgets/profile

    • Summary: Get member widget details.

    • Operation ID: getWidgetProfile

    • Tags: Members

  17. POST /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members/{memberId}/reset-phone

    • Summary: Initiates the process of resetting or changing the member's phone number.

    • Operation ID: resetPhone

    • Tags: Members

  18. POST /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members/{memberId}/reset-phone-verification

    • Summary: Finishes the process of resetting or changing the member's phone number.

    • Operation ID: resetPhoneVerification

    • Tags: Members

  19. POST /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members/{memberId}/login-otp

    • Summary: Sends a login OTP code that allows the member to log in without the password.

    • Operation ID: loginOTP

    • Tags: Members

  20. POST /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members/{memberId}/login-otp-verification

    • Summary: Handles the verification of a One-Time Password (OTP) code during the login process.

    • Description: Successful verification of the OTP code grants the user access to the application.

    • Operation ID: loginOtpVerification

    • Tags: Members

  21. GET /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/membership-level

    • Summary: Retrieve store membership level information.

    • Operation ID: getStoreMembershipLevel

    • Tags: MembershipLevel

  22. GET /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/non-eligible-products

    • Summary: Gets a paginated list of non-eligible products.

    • Operation ID: getNonEligibleProducts

    • Tags: NonEligibleProducts

  23. POST /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/non-eligible-products

    • Summary: Add a batch of non-eligible products for a specific store.

    • Description: The maximum limit is 100 products.

    • Operation ID: addBatchNonEligibleProducts

    • Tags: NonEligibleProducts

  24. PUT /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/non-eligible-products

    • Summary: Update a batch of non-eligible products for a specific store.

    • Description: The maximum limit is 100 products.

    • Operation ID: updateBatchNonEligibleProducts

    • Tags: NonEligibleProducts

  25. DELETE /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/non-eligible-products/{nonEligibleProductId}

    • Summary: Deletes a non-eligible product.

    • Operation ID: deleteNonEligibleProduct

    • Tags: NonEligibleProducts

  26. GET /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members/{memberId}/stamp-cards

    • Summary: Get member active stamp cards.

    • Operation ID: getMemberStampCards

    • Tags: StampCards

  27. GET /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/stamp-cards

    • Summary: Retrieves store stamp cards.

    • Description: By default, it only retrieves active stamp cards.

    • Operation ID: getStoreStamps

    • Tags: StampCards

  28. POST /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members/{memberId}/stamp-cards/{stampId}/reserve

    • Summary: Enables users to reserve a stamp for their pending orders.

    • Description: Call the /cancel-reservation endpoint after completing or canceling a transaction to release the stamp reservation.

    • Operation ID: reserveStamp

    • Tags: StampCards

  29. POST /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members/{memberId}/stamp-cards/{stampId}/cancel-reservation

    • Summary: The 'cancel-reservation' endpoint is deprecated and should not be used.

    • Operation ID: cancelStampReservation

    • Tags: StampCards

  30. GET /api/v2.0/stores

    • Summary: Get all stores that the client has ​​

  31. GET /api/v2.0/stores

    • Summary: Get all stores that the client has access to.

    • Operation ID: getAll

    • Tags: Stores

  32. GET /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}

    • Summary: Gets store details.

    • Operation ID: get

    • Tags: Stores

  33. GET /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/departments

    • Summary: Get store departments.

    • Operation ID: getDepartments

    • Tags: Stores

  34. POST /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/departments

    • Summary: Add a store department.

    • Operation ID: createDepartment

    • Tags: Stores

  35. GET /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/segments

    • Summary: Retrieves all store segments.

    • Operation ID: getSegments

    • Tags: Stores

  36. POST /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/transactions/{externalTransactionId}/cancel

    • Summary: Cancel a transaction.

    • Operation ID: cancelTransaction

    • Tags: Transactions

  37. POST /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members/{memberId}/transactions

    • Summary: Creates a transaction.

    • Operation ID: createTransaction

    • Tags: Transactions

  38. POST /api/v2.0/stores/{storeId}/members/{memberId}/transactions/{transactionId}/refund

    • Summary: Allows for the partial refund of a previous transaction.

    • Description: Does not take into account any coupons or stamp cards applied earlier. For full transaction refunds, use the "cancel transaction" endpoint.

    • Operation ID: createRefundTransaction

    • Tags: Transactions